Expertly Crafted Results
Experience the
difference with
Illuminate Aesthetics and Wellness
Personalized Perfection
Treatment plans custom-tailored to fit your needs
Providing you the highest quality of care in a professional, soothing environment. As a Certified Nurse Practitioner and Certified Aesthetic Nurse Injector, my passion, education, and experience helps clients achieve the results they’ve been dreaming of.
Let’s Create Your Perfect Look Today
Injectable neurotoxins like Botox® Cosmetic and Xeomin® are each different forms of botulinum toxin type A and are FDA approved as safe and effective to temporarily treat fine lines and wrinkles caused by a combination of repeated muscle contractions and loss of collagen and skin elasticity as we age.
Proudly Offering
Frequently Asked
How do they work?
What to expect?
Common side effects?
BOTOX® Cosmetic: Important Safety Information including Boxed Warning and Medication Guide and talk to your specialist.
Xeomin®: Full Prescribing Information including Medication Guide, or ask your doctor.
What should I tell my health care provider before treatment?
Per Unit: $12.00
Per Unit: $11.00
Dermal Fillers
Injectable hyaluronic acid dermal fillers are approved by the FDA for use in helping to create a smoother and/or fuller appearance in the face, including nasolabial folds (the lines extending from the sides of the nose to the edges of the mouth), cheeks, chin, lips, and back of the hands. Most dermal fillers are composed of a synthetic form of hyaluronic acid. H
How do they work?
What to expect?
What are the common side effects or risks?
Common risks include:
• Bruising
• Redness
• Swelling
• Pain
• Tenderness
• Itching
• Rash
• Difficulty in performing activities (only observed when injected into the back of the hand)
This is not and inclusive list of side effects or risk. Please talk to your healthcare provider or seek medical care as soon as possible, if any other side effects develop.
What should I tell my health care provider before treatment?
• Your skin is inflamed or infected. If you have an active inflammatory condition (cysts, pimples, rashes, or hives) or infection, dermal filler injection should be delayed until this inflammatory condition has been managed.
• You have a bleeding disorder.
• You have severe allergies or have a history of anaphylaxis (acute allergic reaction).
• You are allergic to collagen or eggs (some dermal fillers contain collagen or egg-derived products).
• You are allergic to animal products (some dermal fillers contain materials from animals).
• You are allergic to local anesthetic such as lidocaine (some dermal fillers contain lidocaine).
• You are allergic to bacteria (some dermal fillers contain hyaluronic acid material derived from bacterial fermentation).
• You have joint, tendon, or blood vessel disease affecting the hand, when considering hand augmentation.
Proudly Offering
Juvederm® products
The price of product of each treatment varies according to the area being treated, and the volume of product needed to achieve desired effect.
Skin Services
Love the skin your in!
Rejuvenize your skin with our non-surgical skin care services. Our Skin resurfacing treatments remove the most damaged outer layers of skin, encouraging new and healthy skin cell growth, and revealing the healthier-looking skin beneath. This restores a more youthful, and beautiful complexion.
Products Available
Chemical Peels
Frequently Asked
What is DiamondGlow® Microdermabrasion and how does it work?
SkinMedica® Chemical Peels
– Illuminize Peel® helps provide vibrant, radiant looking skin with minimal downtime. Appropriate for mild skin imperfections as determined by your physician.
– Vitalize Peel® diminishes the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Addresses skin tone unevenness that can be caused by acne scarring or other pigmentary changes. Appropriate for mild to moderate skin imperfections as determined by your physician.
– Rejuvenize Peel™ Smooth the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. See noticeable improvement after just one peel and compelling results after three to six peels. Appropriate for moderate to severe skin imperfections as determined by your physician.
Face, Decollete, Back, Arms and Legs
Personalized SkinMedica® Serum $175 – $200
SkinMedica® Chemical Peel
Illuminize Peel®: $150
Vitalize Peel®: $175
Rejuvenize Peel®: $200
Body Sculpting
Coming Soon !
Coming Soon !
Services Available
Frequently Asked
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PRP & Threadlift
Comin Soon !
Products Available
Frequently Asked
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Microneedle Collagen
PRP W/ Microneedle
PRP Hair Restoration
IV Nutrition Therapy & Injections
IV (intravenous) Nutrition Therapy provides hydration, vitamins, minerals, amino acids and micro-nutrients directly into their blood stream bypassing the digestive system for increased cell absorption and 100% bioavailability. This helps to improve your body’s overall state of health and wellbeing.
Don’t have time for a full IV infusion? Check out our IM injections for a quick boost.
Products Available
IV Drips
Myers Cocktail
– The “Gold Standard” for overall wellness.
Ingredients: Magnesium, Calcium, Vitamin B Complex, Vitamin C, (Vitamin B12 push)
Illuminate Your Beauty (Glow and Grow)
– Helps to fights acne, wrinkles, and tired skin from the inside out
Ingredients: Biotin, Vitamin C, Vitamin B Complex
Immunity Booster
– Boosts your immune system to feel better faster.
Ingredients: Vitamin C, Glutathione, Zinc
Hangover Drip
– Hydrate and combat fatigue from dehydration.
Ingredients: Normal Saline, Vitamin B Complex, Mineral Blend
**Can add Toradol for headache and/or Zofran for Nausea**
Get up & Go
– Burn fat, feel energized, and boosts your metabolism.
Ingredients: Vitamin B Complex, Amino Blend
Hydration Drip
– Plain Normal Saline
**Can add on Vitamin B12 to any drip**
-Vitamin B12
– Vitamin B Complex
– Glutathione
– Vitamin D
– Tri-Immune (Immune Booster w/o the hydration)
– Amino Blend
– Mineral blend
– Weight loss Injection – LipoPlus
– LipoPlus + B12 for that extra energy
– Anti-Nausea
Frequently Asked
Who should receive an IV nutrient infusion?
Please notify the provider if you have any health conditions such as Kidney disease or liver disease
How long does an IV infusion take and are there any side effects?
IV nutrient infusions are generally safe, with minimal side effects. For those receiving an infusion for the first time, the flow of fluid is administered slowly and the individual monitored closely for any side effects. If any side effects are detected, the infusion with bee immediately discontinued.
IV Drips
-Myers Cocktail $159
-Mini Myers Cocktail $129
-Illuminate Your Beauty (Glow and Grow) $159
-Immunity Booster $139
-Get up & Go
-Hydration Drip $89
-Hangover Drip $129
**Can add on Vitamin B12 to any drip for $15.00**
-Vitamin B12 $20
– Vitamin B Complex $20
– Glutathione $35
– Vitamin D $30
– Tri-Immune (Immune Booster w/o the hydration) $35
– Amino Blend $35
– Mineral blend
– Weight loss Injection
– Skinny shot (LipoPlus) $35
– Skinny shot + Energy (LipoPlus + B12) $45
– Anti-Nausea $20

Ingredient Details
-Magnesium Chloride: An essential mineral important for many systems in the body, especially muscles and nerves and many disease states.
– Calcium Gluconate: Plays an important role in the body. It is a vital mineral necessary for normal functioning of nerves, cells, muscle, and bones. If there is not enough calcium in the blood, the body will take calcium from bones, thereby weakening the bones.
– Vitamin B Complex (B1, B2, B3, B5, B6): Aids the body in stress management, cardiovascular health, brain health, metabolic health, and potentiating antioxidant protection from free radicals.
– Vitamin B12: Helps the growth of healthy blood cells, nerve cells, and proteins in the body. It also helps with the metabolism of fats and carbohydrates. Improves energy.
– Vitamin C: A strong antioxidant that contributes to immune defense by supporting various cellular functions of both the innate and adaptive immune system, protecting the body’s cells from damage, maintain the health of skin, teeth, bone, cartilage, and blood vessels, and helps improve brain function.
– Biotin: Vitamin B7 is necessary for the cell growth and production of fatty acids in living organisms, converts fatty acids and glucose into fuel to produce energy, promotes healthy sweat glands, nerve tissue and bone marrow, strengthens hair and nails and prevents hair loss, improves blood glucose and increases metabolism for faster weight loss.
– Glutathione: An amino acid and powerful antioxidant that is essential to immune defense. It helps protects cells from free radical damage, improves cellular function, aids in recovery process, and acts as a universal toxin-binder.
– Zinc: An essential mineral that contributes to immune defense by its role in the development and function of many immune processes. Supplementing with this mineral may help combat infections and aid wound healing.
– Vitamin D: Fat-soluble vitamin and antioxidant that helps fight disease, bone and muscle strength, and boosts weight loss
-Amino Blend (Glutamin, Ornithine, Arginine, Lysine, Citrulline): Aids the body in:
– Protein metabolism
– Cell volumizing
– Prevents breakdown of muscle
– Increase of Human Growth Hormone secretion
– Improves blood flow
– Increased vitality
– Converts fatty acids into energy
– Growth and maintenance of bones and connective tissue
– Fat metabolism and energy
– Performance recovery time
– Muscle building
– Mineral Blend (Magnesium CL, Zinc, Manganese, Copper, Selenium): Aids the body in:
–Higher function of nervous system, behavior, memory, and learning
– Immune defense and function
– Combating infections and wound healing
– Metabolism of amino acids, cholesterol, glucose, and carbohydrates
– Cognitive function
– Fertility in both men and women
– Thyroid hormone metabolism and DNA synthesis
– LipoPlus (Pyridoxine, Methionine, Inositol, Choline, Thiamine, Riboflavin): Fat burning formula
-Pyridoxine – Promotes red blood cell production and converts food to energy
– Methionine – Helps break down sugars and carbohydrates and convert to energy
– Inositol – Converts food to energy
– Choline – Healthy nerve cells, cuts muscle recovery time, helps convert fat to energy
– Thiamine – Improves immune system, helps converts fat and carbohydrates into energy
– Riboflavin – Increases metabolism, suppresses appetite
– Toradol: Is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory (NSAID) that works by reducing hormones that cause inflammation and pain in the body. It is used for the treatment of moderate to severe pain, fever and swelling.
– Zofran: Anti-nausea medication. Is a 5HT3 receptor antagonist that works by blocking the actions of chemicals in the body that trigger nausea and vomiting.